Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Week 3 Nursing Leadership in Leveraging Technology

Nursing Leadership- Setting the Trajectory for Clinical Technology Integration for the Future of Care

Nurse Leaders are well-positioned to leverage technology in the health care setting. The improvement of quality of care, safety of patients, improved outcomes, and improved work environments has become the work of technology integration with Nurse Leaders in the position to influence change. The rapidly developing culture of change in healthcare reform has placed so much pressure on the traditional Health Information Management (HIM) Role with integration Health Information Technology (HIT).

Background for Informatics as a Specialty

This was clear as early as 1992 when the ANA defined the informatics role as a nurse which
"supports the nursing process by helping to integrate the data, information, and knowledge required for clinical decision making." The ANA went on to develop Nursing Informatics: Practice Scope and Standards of Practice. 

The Role of Health Informatics...

The Strategy for Nurse Leadership

The role of Nurse Leader in informatics is not unlike any other area of influence for the Nurse Leader, in that there needs to be a good understanding of the integration of technology in health delivery. The Nurse Leader must be informed of the trends in informatics in addition to the current systems in order to integrate the current systems with trajectory of future development.
The first position needs to be that of understanding and support of the resources for the role of the Informatics Nurse Specialist.
The American Organization of Nurse Executives' Guiding Principles to enhance clinical outcomes by leveraging technology has been established as a groundwork for Nurse Executives to support the value of informatics in Healthcare. Attributes of the Ideal System to Leverage Technology are as follows: 
  • a well-defined governance model that defines strategic vision, roles, responsibilities and measures for success;
  • a roadmap with iterative steps for adopting and integrating of enabling technologies; and
  • a model to facilitate collaborative among the CNO, CIO and technology industry partners.
The Nurse Leader is in a unique position to be aware of the necessity and shoulder a great deal of responsibility to promote the role of nursing in technology integration. Having a voice to be able to impact the landscape of technology integration, having a relationship to unit-level and individual staff competencies places the nurse leader in a excellent position to ensure that initiatives have the best opportunity for success.
Allocation of resources is an essential part of the Nurse Leaders to avoid the "penny wise and pound foolish" mentality of limiting resources for proper preparation of technology initiatives that promise to improve quality of care, safety of patients, improved outcomes, and improved work environments. If the leader can have the vision, leverage resources, and have the follow-through to see that technology initiatives are given every opportunity for success.

TIGER Initiative

TIGER is an initiative focused on education reform and interprofessional community development. The spirit of TIGER is to maximize the integration of technology and informatics into seamless practice, education and research resource development.
This initiative is associated with the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), which provides resources and guidance to health leaders through a vision of "better health through information technology."

Further defined priorities for Chief Nurse Executives are provided below.

Top Priorities for the Chief Nurse  Executive (CNE) 

  • Assure that there is a defined governance model that oversees technology initiatives. 
  • Define roles, accountabilities and outcomes to achieve the strategic vision. 
  • Align the overall technology and patient care strategic plans as the foundation for the governance model. 
  • Define criteria for acceptance, initiation, midcourse correction and termination of the initiative.
  • Define the communication and decision-making process and the rules of engagement for all participants.
  • Engage the entire C-suite in the initiative.
  • Define clear, measurable, clinical outcomes for each technology initiative/project. 
  • Drive performance measurement based on evidence-based best practices using an adaptive model to synthesize new knowledge.
  • Clearly link outcomes to the strategic plan and communicate outcomes to all working teams.
  • Define a scalable and repeatable methodology to measure outcomes.
  • Assure and advocate for adequate resources for data support and analytics.
  • Align and integrate clinical outcomes with the quality improvement plan.
  • Assume ownership of the process roadmap for future work redesign and the relationships that manage the process. 
  • Articulate and define a transformational vision and a strategy to achieve the vision.
  • Create an effective communication plan.
  • Identify, name and empower a multidisciplinary team to drive the process to its initial end state.
  • Do not underestimate the complexity of process work—it requires education at all levels to achieve the cultural change required.
  • Support and champion cultural transformation as the foundation for process change.

The Future of Health Informatics..

The Nurse Leader needs to be aware of the need to partner with technology experts in the health care setting in order to anticipate the rapid change that will continue to be a force for varying technology frameworks. The future of technology will continue to develop along the lines of:
  • Cloud Computing
  • Big Data, analytics, meta-analytics
  • Process Modeling and biomedical imaging
  • Continue toward mobile device use and patient-centered care.
  • Augmented Reality



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